Life Coach
- Can I re-design my life?
- How to think outside the box?
- Who is responsible for your life?
- How are our thoughts impacting our life?
- How to balance the wheel of life?
- And more such like

Career Coach
Brought to you by Life Focus Academy, the Career Coach is here to change your right career path.
What is Career Coaching?
Career coaching is a stimulating and sure-shot path to give life and meaning to your career. The ultimate goal is to assist people in making well-informed decisions that are in alignment with their interests and passions. Because after all, a wise decision can set your career life towards an impressive growth trajectory.
In short, Career coaching, like other coaching, is an encouragement of your progress path and finding the fulfilling goal in your life.
Why do you need career coaches?
According to the latest survey by Wheebox, a talent assessment company for India Skills Report, closely 85% of candidates report that they are not equipped to make career decisions. Over 50% of candidates build career decisions for employment from colleges followed by 21% from different web portals and only 17% from their immediate and extended family members.
The job market is tough and competitive especially during COVID 19 that has elicited the highest unemployment ever in history. Designing your career in such uncertain times, is emotionally draining and quite challenging.
This accentuates a propelling need for career coaching. In these scenarios, a career coach can be your guardian and mentor for life opportunities.
Finding Job: Only jobless know the value of having a job! Coaches help them to grab the right job ensuring entry at the right time in the right field.
Career selection: After teenage, most students worry about the selection of the career. And many others face the fear of preferring the wrong career. As per the skills, knowledge, and talent, career coaches advise the best for the selection of the right career.
Building your profiles: Your social media handles are your face nowadays. Whether it is a resume or LinkedIn profile, coaches will assist you in presenting well and increase the chances of selection.
Shift in career: A major change or shift in career is not easy. It takes a lot of courage for major shifting. Proper guidance from career coaches builds up your confidence and works as your career partner during the entire journey.
Role of a career coach in your life
A career chosen in alignment with your passion and interest would be a career worth living. Career coaches support the intellectual growth of students by providing programs & experiences that promote self-awareness and engagement.
Seeking the advice of a career coach is a one-time investment with lifelong golden benefits. Career coaching comforts you with a sense of purpose, career confidence, insight, encouragement and inspiration. Not only this, proper guidance and counseling help to avoid unnecessary stress and pressure that is created in the minds of individuals concerning varied career options.
How career Coaches will serve you?
- Coaches challenge you and provide you with the remarkable feedback that ultimately leads to better and faster career growth
- They keep you relax by taking all your worries pertaining to your career and guiding you on the progressive path. This way one can reduce stress and anxiety.
- Boost your self-esteem and aid in changing behavioral aspects.
- From setting up Linked-in profile to make you ready for the interviews, career coach will be your real partner in getting the success.
- Helping to develop the professional attitude and personal traits
- And more such like
Mind Heights
Brought to you by Life Focus Academy, the Mind Heights is here to change your life!
“If my mind can conceive it, and my heart can believe it, then I can achieve it.” - Mohammed Ali.
“Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe it can achieve” - Napoleon Hill

Memory Techniques & Enhancement Course
Brain swift
Life focus Academy brings you this utilitarian program called the Brain Swift. This program is specially sculpted for students between the age of thirteen to eighteen as well as for business personals, working professionals and other individuals. This program targets entirely developing the brain function and using its full potential to achieve the goals. We aim at increasing the capacity and grip of the individual’s memory functions.
For Students

- How to read faster?
- How to memorize faster with the help of swift memory management practices
- What is deep learning?
- How to apply visualization method in your study?
- How to retrieve the data or answers in seconds?
- How to develop focus and concentration?
- And more such like
For Individuals
Brain Swift program assists you to increase your memory performance with the help of swift memory
management practices. Other than that, not reading enough books also leads to poor communication skills. Life
Focus Academy helps you read a number of books under the read faster training.

The following are the things included under this program:
- How to deliver a presentation (without any cheat sheets) in front of customers or clients in a project meeting ?
- How to remember more data or information?
- How to manipulate memory?
- How can I read a book or more in a week or a month with the help of the read faster training
- And more such like
- Learning is a life-long process. It can be fruitful if you are learning from the right people. Life Focus academy brings you the right mentors and the right program for your prosperity. If, you wish to uplift your skills and competencies, enroll with us!
Wonderful Women
- Who Am I?
- Am I a warrior or a worrier?
- How do I create my own identity?
- Who is a women’s best friend?
- How to achieve financial independence?
- And more such like

Personal Coach
- How do I identify my strength?
- How do I identify my passion?
- How do I create a business with my passion?
- What I am doing right?
- What am I doing wrong?
- How can I re-design my life?
- And more such like

NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming)
- How to use NLP anchoring?
- How to use NLP modeling in our daily life?
- How to reframe your thoughts?
- How to change our belief systems?
- How to balance our life with spiritual, emotional, physical and rational?
- And more such NLP techniques