Life Focus Academy's

Artificial Intelligence

Career Guidance Platform

Life Focus Academy providing an online platform which provides personalized learning experience for an individual using AI (Artificial Intelligence) powered brain mapping and advanced career learning techniques.

Our powerful Artificial Intelligence algorithms developed along with the neuroscience and AI experts detail out the 360-degree persona of an individual and use 2 million+ association rules to suggest the right career fitment and skill gaps fulfilment needed for the recommended careers. The algorithm also recommends the learning path and delivers a personalized learning journey for each individual. Life Focus Academy uses Artificial Intelligence to assess skill and persona analysis of an individual and draws out interventions needed across different skill sets. Life Focus Academy enables up-skilling the gaps in the identified areas using state of the art courses available on our marketplace.

Our Career counsellors can play a stellar role in helping the students opt for the right careers and study streams based on their interest and potential.Report analysis by our counselors help you understand the

Students  Taken Test

Every individual is unique and has the potential to reach the zenith. The Career Guidance Assessment assesses student’s overall performance across 14 identified skill areas vis-à-vis all the test takers in the same age group. It helps, student parents and the teacher understand individual strengths and weakness in detail. The report provides detailed recommendations to fulfil any gaps which are observed in the student. Our machine learning algorithms provide
recommendation on the right career options and the course which can keep the student on the leading edge in the journey to right career choices.

250+ Careers

86% Accuracy

72+ pages Report

7 Career Streams